What a day Wednesday was!
We started with checking my emails; you never know what surprises await!
A pastoral team meeting followed; which is where we consider how to best support those in the Church who need a little bit more support. The love and care shown within the Church continues to astound me, as does the faithful discipleship of those facing difficulties in life.
A few phone calls follow; including one with a local lady minister in training who is helping with a major outreach project I am involved with and a local baptist pastor. We're meeting on Friday to discuss future joint mission events in Shrewsbury.
Next up came a phone call with a local Church administrator I have much affinity with, having done a similar role here for years. We shared ideas, encouraged one another, and he gave me a useful press contact. We are working together; brilliant.
I had an appointment cancelled due to illness which was sad but helped me to catch up with all sorts of bit and bobs of admin. Urgent but not (that) important bits and pieces.
I found out that the council has allocated £2000 towards a Cage Football project I have been pioneering, giving us £11,000 towards a total cost of £12,000, and adding to the £3,000 I got from the Police. Yet I also received disappointment that further funding has been delayed, leaving me £1000 short. That is a bit gutting to be honest.
Next up came a 2 hour strategic meeting with my fellow elders and some very exciting ideas for the future. As a Church we are 25 years old and established in our town (having successfully planted 2 other Churches): the question now is what do we want to be in 25 years time?
I arrive home to find an email from a local businessman I know through the football club saying he is a trustee of a local charity and he has seen Cage Football in the local paper and wants to fund any shortfall, and if he can't through his charity he will through his business. Can you believe it? 3 hours after the bad news comes the provision. Jehovah is still Jireh yeah?
Back from that and a quick change of gear and a visit to a couple, the chap being the son of some of our Church members. They want a humanist wedding and they want me to lead it because of my positive relationship with him. It was great to spend time with them, affirm their desire to marry, and explain how my faith encourages me to consider all marriage as good. I also said how much I respected their authenticity by not wanting a Church wedding if they don't believe in God.
Back to our Church Centre for the Freedom in Christ course, except now I find that due to illness I need to help with an Alpha group instead. Wow! I have not led an Alpha group for a couple of years but it is goes great. Why did Jesus die? I mean, can you get a better thing to discuss with people on their journey towards faith? Dinner includes Cumberland sausages, what is not to like?
A lady member of our Church who has recently experienced a miscarriage tells me my blog posts on the subject have been a help to her; a precious moment.
As I leave a guy wants a private word and asks me all about the authenticity of Scripture regarding possible copying errors in response to my talk on the Bible in a previous week. Brilliant! Let's have a look.
Home I go, taking a lad home who expresses how helpful Sunday's "Steps to Freedom in Christ" day was for him.
I may be tired as I catch the tail end of the Champions League highlights, but God is good, all the time, but my gosh He is today.
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