Friday 16 October 2009

Prayer and Fasting

I think the newfrontiers Prayer and Fasting conferences are the real heartbeat of the movement.

I do not say that lightly.

Many other conferences I go to are great but this is the real hub.

I have not been able to go for what seems like ages because our other two elders always go and I tend to hold the fort. Now our new Church manager is in place it is much easier for me to go, so I did, for the first time in what feels like ages. What a blessing it was.

I think it benefits from the following:
  • TIME: to worship, to pray, to seek God. The agenda is "flexible".
  • RELATIONSHIPS: It is always good to hear what different people are up to, both nationally & internationally.
  • SPIRIT: I love the way the "agenda" moves with the spirit, and we follow where the prophetic / spontaneous contributions go. There were several major encouragements, and none of them were planned, all came by a word of scripture, or prophecy.
I know I will get a CD / written copy of all the prophetic stuff sometime within the next couple of months and it will help shape our movement. The encouragement is not about what people did but what God said. More than that, above human planning we are seriously serious about listening to what God says and acting upon it.

I have missed it.

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